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Annoying! Turn off Facebook Notifications on Android

By FonePaw | Feb 01 , 2018

Facebook notifications alert you to handle something important and urgent in time, for example, read a new thread, confirm friend requests, and more. However, sometimes continual Facebook notifications can be absolutely annoying! You are always reminded to update the app, confirms a friend request from a stranger, and so on. Every time the notification is pushed, your Android phone vibrates or rings. That’s why we are here. This guide will show you how to turn off Facebook notifications on Android, particularly those unimportant.


People Also Read:


Part 1: Mute all the Notifications
Part 2: Disable Notification from Specific Friends


Part 1: Mute all the Notifications

Step 1. Launch the Settings App
Launch the Settings app on your Android phone. Then scroll down and choose Apps. Next, select "Manage Applications".


Android Settings Apps


Step 2. Mute Notifications
In the App info page, if the option "Show notifications" is on, tap it and select "OK" to turn it off. If you turn off notifications for this app, you may miss important alerts and updates.


Turn Off Facebook Notifications


Part 2: Disable Notification from Specific Friends

Step 1. Open a Wall of a Specific Friend

Open Facebook on your Android phone. Next, select the menu button (three-line icon) on the top. When the navigation panel is opened, enter the name of the contact you want to block into the search box. When the search result is shown, select the name and open his wall.


Open Facebook Contact's Wall


Step 2. Turn of Facebook Notifications on Android
Open the conversation with that contact. Then touch the info button at the top. Then in the pop-up note, you can select to turn off the notifications from this conversation permanently or for 1 hour or until 08:00.


Turn off Facebook Notifications


That’s it! Got it? If not, just leave your messages and let us know. We will reply you as soon as possible.


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The Salfordian
7 year before

How to turn off vibrate

Emily Watson
7 year before
Reply to  The Salfordian

Hi. You can open Facebook, go to Settings > Notification option and uncheck vibrate on notification.

The Salfordian
7 year before
Reply to  Emily Watson

As I said no option to stop themcomment image

Darren Johnson
Darren Johnson
6 year before

Contact BESTPROFESSORHACKER AT GMAIL for any issues with your fb account or any social media account you want to hack i worked with him and he is the best. Whatsapp him on +13462024087

5 year before

Does not work. After the notifications have been disabled from Android settings, Facebook makes sounds again after a while.
Somehow Facebook app is more powerful than Android.
And people wonder why I say android is a piece of shit.

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