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iPhone Stuck in Headphones Mode

By FonePaw | Feb 03 , 2018

"I went for a jog with my headphones plugged into my iPhone 6. After the jog, I removed my headphones from the headphones jack but my iPhone still detects that a headphone is plugged in. When I receive a call, I couldn't hear what the other person was saying. No sound at all! And if I increase the volume level the volume indicator shows "Headphones" instead of "Ringer" Did anybody encounter a similar experience? Voice out to tell me how you solved the issue. Cheers!"


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iPhone stuck in headphones mode will prevent a user from hearing the sound. Also, iPhone acts like headphones are plugged in. If you find that your headphone mode doesn't turn off on your iPhone or if you can't hear sound through the iPhone speakers, you can try the following solutions to get iPhone out of headphone mode.


iPhone Stuck in Headphone Mode


Solution 1: Clean the Headphone Jack

Firstly, you have to remove the iPhone case. Then, blow some air into the audio Jack so that if there is some dust stuck in it shall be removed. Further get a cotton swab or something thin like that to try to discard any remaining dust particles.


Now, re-plug earphones and then unplug it to see if the problem is solved. If not, you can try plugging and unplugging headphones several times to see if it works.


Solution 2: Dry iPhone

Some people got their iPhone wet. Everything worked OK except for it was stuck in "headphone" mode. In this case, you can blow the headphone jack for 3 to 5 minutes with hair dryer's cold wind to dry your iPhone. Or you can dry your damp iPhone by placing it in the air-conditioned room. This solution is proved very helpful to fix damp iPhone stuck in headphones mode.


Solution 3: Restart, reset or restore the iPhone

Note: You are recommended to restart iPhone first. If that doesn't work, reset it. Restoration should be the last resort.


Restart iPhone: Hold down the Home and Power button simultaneously till white Apple logo appears (ignore the sign "Slide to turn off") and keep pressing until the screen goes black. When the white Apple logo reappears, release your hand.


Reset iPhone: Go to Settings > General > Reset and choose "Reset All Settings".


Restore iPhone: Backup your iPhone with iTunes or iCloud first. The go to settings > general > reset and choose "Erase All Content and Settings" The iPhone should be good to go now. Toggling the volume up/down buttons should just show "Ringer".


Reset iPhone Settings


Solution 4: Take it to the Nearest Apple Store

If the previous methods didn't solve the error, you'd better take the iPhone to the nearest Apple Store to get the problem diagnosed by the Apples' technical department.


Hopefully, the advice above has cleared your problem with no sound on the iPhone or iPad. If you find other good ways to get iPhone/iPad out of headphones mode, welcome to share your tips in the comment.


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Orca James
Orca James
6 year before

I hate these articles. If you can't provide a good solid pinpoint answer, then don't even bother writing. I could just as easily list out a shit ton of "things to try."

Bon Joshua Segismundo
Bon Joshua Segismundo
6 year before

Yow I have the same issue and fixed it!
All you need to have is a hairdryer and point at the headphone jack. It should not take long, just have patience!

rahman mohd
rahman mohd
5 year before

Hi , I solved the issue by going to setting > Sounds > and found that Ringer And Alerts is set to maximum so i set it in the middle and solved the problem

Cha bam-kun
Cha bam-kun
5 year before

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